
Abstract:AnovelcolorimageenhancementmethodisproposedbasedonRetinextoenhancecolorimagesundernon-uniformilluminationorpoorvisibility ...,Thealgorithmperformsthecolorenhancementautomaticallybyequalizingthecolorsandimprovingtheimage.Theresultsshowanimagewithmorecontrast, ...,First,weintroducetheHSVcolorspacefeatureextractionmodule,whichaimstooptimizethecolorrepresentationandsaturationofunderwateri...

[PDF] Color Image Enhancement Method Based on Weighted ...

Abstract: A novel color image enhancement method is proposed based on Retinex to enhance color images under non-uniform illumination or poor visibility ...

Implementation and optimization of the algorithm of automatic color ...

The algorithm performs the color enhancement automatically by equalizing the colors and improving the image. The results show an image with more contrast, ...

Underwater Image Enhancement Algorithm for Dual Color Spaces

First, we introduce the HSV color space feature extraction module, which aims to optimize the color representation and saturation of underwater images.

Color enhancement algorithm for remotely sensed false color image ...

The improved LUV algorithm could highly enhance the false color image with preserved brightness and hue sensation. The resulting pictures met with approval.

[PDF] Color Enhancement using Global Parameters and Local Features ...

For color enhancement, many algorithms have been proposed to improve bright- ness, contrast and saturation. Converting to HSV color space is one of the ef- ...

A fast color image enhancement algorithm based on Max Intensity ...

We have developed a fast image enhancement algorithm based on an illumination reflectance model. The illumination veil function has been effectively estimated ...

Do color enhancement algorithms improve the experience ...

This study explores color enhancement algorithms based on the neural mechanisms of color blindness and color deficiency. The algorithms are then ...

[PDF] Face Beautification and Color Enhancement with Scene Mode ...

Our algorithm aims to reach three goals. First is to beautify human faces in photographs, reduce their wrinkles, pores, and other blemishes without causing ...

[PDF] Automatic Color Enhancement (ACE) and its Fast Implementation

Abstract Automatic Color Enhancement “ACE” is an effective method for color image enhancement introduced by Gatta, Rizzi, and Marini based on modeling several ...